Adding a company that you are not a member of can be achieved using the company ID. The company ID can be copied and shared by the other company.

Copying company details

This instruction describes the steps required on the side of the company that you want to add to the related companies.

  • You are on the Overview tab.
  1. Go to Overview > Company.
  1. Select More > Copy company details.
  • The company name and company ID are copied to the clipboard and can be shared using the preferred method.

Adding a company by company ID

  • You are a member of the Customer Administrator user group.
  • The company ID has been copied and shared with you.
  1. Go to Partition management > Related companies.
  1. Select Add by company ID.
  1. In the Add company dialog, paste the company ID.
  1. Select Add.
  • The company is added to the list of related companies and partitions can be shared with this company.