The Partitions page displays information about all partitions of this company.

Owned tab

The Owned tab displays all partitions that are owned by the company. New partitions can be created and user groups can be assigned to a partition. Partitions can be shared with other companies and the sharing can be revoked.

The Owned tab displays the following information and functions:

  • Name, subscription and description of the partitions I have access to.
  • Customer Administrators and Partition Administrators can view all partitions of the company.
  • Number of user groups and number of companies the partition is shared with.

These functions are only available for Company Administrators, and Partition Administrators:

  • Create: Create a partition of the company.
  • Share partitions: Opens dialog to share the partition with another company. Define the level of access to the partition.
  • Hand over: Hand over the partition to another company. The partition is then part of the new company.
  • More: Edit, Share, Hide and Hand over the partition.

Shared tab

The Shared tab displays all partitions that are shared with my company. Partition Administrators can edit the user groups for a shared partition. Users with access to a shared partition can access the partition on other apps, for example, Data Setup. This functionality is mainly used for onboarding purposes or other services provided to other companies.

The sharing of a partition can only be revoked from a user in the company to which the partition belongs.

The Shared tab displays the following information and functions:

  • Name, subscription and description of the partitions that are shared with my company.
  • Number of user groups and name of the company the partition is a part of.
  • More: Edit the user groups for the shared partition and remove access to shared partitions.

Hidden tab

The Hidden tab displays all partitions that are hidden. A partition that is hidden is not visible in other apps and cannot be accessed over the User menu > Select company. This functionality is mainly used to hide unused partitions from the user interface, achieving a cleaner and more focused view.

The hiding of a partition can be revoked on the Hidden tab.

The Hidden tab displays the following information and functions:

  • Name, subscription and description of the hidden partitions.
  • More: Unhide the partition.