Assignable elements
You can only assign a manual or automatic channel of the type 'Sensor' and 'Gas sensor' to 'Sinteso Test'.
Risk of MC link errors if detectors are mounted in close proximity
If two detectors are mounted in close proximity to one another – e.g., on detector boards for testing or training purposes – an MC link error may be displayed during assignment to 'Sinteso Test' or during 'One-step commissioning'. Check whether the link has been established correctly and, if necessary, increase the distance between the detectors.
- The peripheral devices have been installed, commissioned, and read in.
- The site configuration has been created in the Engineering Tool and the peripheral devices have been loaded.
- The lines and line devices are in normal operation.
- 'Sinteso Test' has been installed and commissioned.
- The logical configuration and/or the detection tree has been prepared up to the 'Zone' level or logical channel.
- The current site configuration has been exported as an eXML file and loaded in 'Sinteso Test'.
- 'Sinteso Test' is connected to the detector exchanger and tester via Bluetooth.
Performing 'one-step commissioning'
- Activate the MC link:
- Select the 'Station' on the 'Station' in the 'Hardware tree'.
- Select 'Execute Commands' > 'Enable MC link'.
- Activate OSC mode:
- At the 'Station', select the 'Station', a module, or a line element in the 'Hardware tree'.
- Select 'Execute Commands' > 'Enable one-step commissioning'.
- In the detection tree in 'Sinteso Test', select a 'Zone' or a logical channel to be assigned.
- Press and hold down the element that is to be assigned until the 'Assign' symbol appears
- Select the 'Assign' symbol
- The assignment starts.
- 'Sinteso Test' waits for confirmation from the detector exchanger and tester.
- Connect the detector exchanger and tester to the device to be assigned:
- Manual call points: Hold the detector exchanger and tester at the front of the device.
- Other detectors: Hold the detector exchanger and tester against the detector and rotate the detector exchanger and tester until the detector snaps in.
- Hold the detector exchanger and tester against the device for a maximum of 10 s.
- While commands are being transmitted, the red, yellow, and green LEDs on the detector exchanger and tester flash alternately.
- The green LED on the detector exchanger and tester lights up continuously to indicate a successful assignment.
- The assignment for the logical element can be seen at the bottom edge of the screen in 'Sinteso Test'.
- Repeat steps 3 to 8 for every device to be commissioned.
- Deactivate OSC mode:
- At the 'Station', select the 'Station', a module, or a line element in the 'Hardware tree'.
- Select 'Execute Commands' > 'Disable one-step commissioning'.
- Optional: Load the configuration from the station to the PC in order to check the assignments in the Engineering Tool.
The device test activation is saved in the 'Event memory'. It can take longer than 10 s for the test activation to be saved in the 'Event memory'.
Deactivation after a restart
After a restart of the 'Station', OSC mode and the MC link are deactivated.