Site data for the 'Sinteso Test' app with software version ≥4.0.0 must be exported as an encrypted XML file for security reasons.
To export the system data from the SintesoWorks, a stylesheet in version ≥ V1.0.1 and in XSLT transformation file format is required to use all the functions of the 'Sinteso Test'.
The file name includes the version of the file (e.g., SintesoTest_V0.4.1.xsl).
When the 'Sinteso Test' app is installed, an up-to-date version of the 'SintesoTest_Vx.y.z.xsl' style sheet is filed in the '/Documents/Sinteso Test' folder of the smartphone.
The configuration of the 'Site' is exported in two XML files. The file with the ending '_Custom.exml' is suitable for importing into 'Sinteso Test'.
Exporting XML file
- Open a 'Site' via the 'File' > 'New site' or 'Open' menu.
- Click on the 'File' > 'Site export (XML)' menu item.
- The 'Reports' window with the 'Site XML export' opens.
- In the 'Stations' tab, select the stations for which you wish to generate an XML file.
- The maximum number of 'Stations' that can be loaded is restricted. If the configuration of the 'Site' exceeds the restriction, you must activate/deactivate one or several 'Stations' for the export.
- Select the 'Output settings' tab.
- Depending on the application, carry out a standard XML export, user-defined XML export, or encrypted XML export.
Encrypted XML export
Access by unauthorized third parties can lead to data theft.
- Never share the password with unauthorized third parties.
- Only send the password by encrypted email.
When exporting the eXML file from SintesoWorks, a password is set to decrypt the eXML file.
We recommend using a different password for each site and user.
- Check the 'Create XSLT based export' checkbox.
- Define an XSLT transformation file.
- For a transformation file from ↑ 'BDV', select 'Use file from BDV'.
- For any other transformation file, select 'Use file from file system'.
Information: If a red exclamation mark appears, the system cannot find the selected file. Select a different file.
- Select the target path for the eXML file.
- Check the 'Use encryption' checkbox.
- Create a password to encrypt the eXML file.
Information: The password requirements are displayed when you hover over the entry field with the mouse cursor.
- To create an automatically generated password that meets all of the requirements, click on 'Create new password'.
- Click on 'Save password'.
- The new password is saved.
- Click on 'Create report'.
- You have exported the configuration of the 'Site' into an encrypted XML file.