The Consistency Check function in LMU allows you to validate currently installed licenses against a valid, internal LMU library scheme.
The consistency check delivers structured and formatted error messages for each feature in case of failure. The message contains feature name, version and rule which has caused the failure, including all dependent features. The message will be shown in the consistency check message box.
If the user double-clicks the feature marked as inconsistent the message with structured error message will pop up.
- On Licensed Products > Available Features page > Click the consistency check button to carry out this validation.
Given a successful result, the respective licenses are marked with the magnifier glass check icon.
In case of an invalid license, the licenses are marked by the magnifier glass cross icon.
In case of a warning, the corresponding license is marked by the magnifier glass exclamation icon.
- Optional: Double-click the feature marked as inconsistent to make the message with structured error message pop up.