There are two modes of LMU Application. These modes can be configured from the Settings View:

  • License Server (Local) mode, and
  • License Server (Remote) mode.

License Server (Local) mode

  1. Navigate to the Settings view.
  1. Select the License Server (Local) option from the settings view to work in this mode.
    (This is the default setting of LMU.)

License Server (Remote) Mode

  1. Navigate to the Settings view.
  1. Select License Server (Remote) option from the settings view to work in this mode.
  1. Type the server name or IP address to the Server Name text box.
  1. Type the port number (by default 27000) in the server Port text box.
  1. Click “Save”. LMU will restart and start at remote mode accordingly.

Please see the section on Server Based Licensing for more information about remote mode configuration.