Using LmuTool command, user can change the default port 27000 to other value.
How to change default port value
- Run the LmuTool command as administrator.
- Enter the port value.
For example if you want to change the default value to 27001, enter LmuTool /fnlsport:27001
Changing default port of Vendor Daemon
LMU 2.6 has introduced Vendor Daemon(VD) Port. The default value is set to 27009.
If the default VD port is already used by other application, user can manually change the default port value.
- Run the LmuTool command as administrator.
- Enter the port value.
For example if you want to change the default value to 27007, enter LmuTool /vdport:27007
You can also combine both port commands using LmuTool /vdport:27007 /fnlsport:27001