History Sync: Syncs the histories of all tagged Haystack and BACnet points at a given scheduled frequency (use tags his, haystackHis, or bacnetHis).
History Purge: Purges all histories that are older than the set limit on the first of every month at 12:15 AM (system time).

Enable History Purge

Enables or disables the history purge module.

Run History Purge

Executes the history purge immediately using given parameters. Purges histories independently of the scheduled frequency.

History Max Age

Sets the max age limit of histories before they are purged.

Enable History Sync

Enables or disables the history sync module.

Run History Sync

Executes the history sync task.
Choose Every from the drop-down menu to initiate a period sync. For example, sync histories every Friday.
Choose At from the drop-down menu to schedule a Single Date, Date and Time Range, or Date Range.

History Sync Frequency

Schedules the frequency of history syncs.