Below are the available options when in the Schedule View.
Navigate to Tools and then select one of the follow options:
① | Create New Schedule The Create New Schedule dialog box displays with required fields:
② | Refresh |
③ | Backup The Folio Download dialog box displays with required fields: Filter |
④ | Restore Allows you to upload schedules to a project. |
⑤ | Organize The Organize Folderpath dialog box display with all schedules. Select which schedule(s) to organize and then enter the name in the folder path. The selected schedules display under View All Schedules. |
⑥ | View All Schedules Displays all schedules. |
In order for the points to appear in the Add Points to Schedule, they must be configured as schedulable. The number property tag must be schedulable with level of 2-7 or 9-16 to write to, with a recommended level of 15, which is the default.
This can be done on the point itself under Point Type or by clone/batch tagging points that need to be scheduled as schedulable:15.