Edit data points before discovery and importation

Before learning a data point as a point in FIN, you have the ability to first edit its definition in the knxproj file by using the Edit Datapoint button in the point discovery interface. This is useful because some data points will not originally come with a data point type assigned from the knxproj, to configure if they are readable and/or writable or sometimes it may be necessary to change some of the point information before adding it to the equip.

Editing a data point impacts the imported knxproj file, meaning the changes will reflect in all other KnxConns using that *knxproj file.

After ensuring the following, you may discover and import the data points with the steps provided below:

  • You have edited all data points in the knxproj file as needed.
  • Ensure you have the connector URI formatted as: knx-calimero://[IP]:[port]/, where IP address = KNX interface/gateway device used to access the KNX network and default port for KNX = 3671. NOTICE! Siemens recommends connecting to the endpoint via VPN and changing the default KNX port (3671) to a value from the unreserved range, (50000-60000).
  1. First, expand the Connectors Tree.
  1. Select KNX > Discover.
  1. Select Discover to scan devices.
  • The discovered devices will display. {SCREENSHOT
  1. Select the desired discovered devices and then click Add or Add All. {SCREENSHOT}
  1. Alternatively, drag and drop the point(s) under an equip. {GIF or SCREENSHOT}
  • Now


Endpoint Security with NAT Connection

If trying to establish connection to an endpoint using NAT (Network Address Translation), add the knxUseNat marker tag to the connector record. NAT usage without extra safety measures is not recommended. Port forwarding provides universal access to a local IP network and KNX system. Any Internet user can discover the open port on a static public IP address and can, for example, access the KNX network via ETS. It is recommended to connect to the endpoint via VPN and to change the default KNX port (3671) to one from the unreserved range (50000-60000).