The Search and Replace form allows you to search and replace anything within the database available in the DB Builder App.

How To Use Search and Replace

  1. Navigate to the Equip Tree and select a type of available site, floor or equip(s) to update.
  1. Click the Tools .
  • The Tools dialog box displays.
  1. In the Tools dialog box, navigate to Advanced > Search and Replace.
Tools > Advanced > Search and Replace
  • The Search and Replace dialog box displays with required fields.
  1. Fill out the required fields and then click Apply.
Search and Replace dialog box properties




This is auto-generated for you based on what you selected, but it can be changed.


What tag you want to search against to find what you are looking for. By default, navName (or dis or name in that order) is auto-filled in.


Input what you are searching for from that tag.

Replace with

Input what to replace with what you searched for.


The grid is auto-generated based on the Filter field to allow you to see what tag properties are available to change.

  • The Search For field supports the * and # wildcards (available in v2900 or newer).
    • AHU*_ would denote any substring starting with AHU and ending with _
    • AHU#_ would denote any substring starting with AHU and ending with _ while also having numbers in between
  • The following options are possible as of version 4.5.817:
    • If you want to replace an actual * or # character with something, prefix it with a \ character to let it know not to interpret it as a wildcard.
    • AHU\*_ would denote a substring that looks like AHU*_
    • AHU\#_ would denote a substring that looks like AHU#_
    • Adding a comma into the Search For allows you to replace multiple points with the same Replace With value.
    • AHU,VAV would denote to replace all substrings that are either AHU or VAV
    • Prefixing the , character with a \ character allows you to replace the character as well
    • AHU\,VAV would denote to replace the substring AHU, VAV