You are in the Active critical alarm types view where all active alarms are displayed. You want to:

  • Filter and sort the active critical alarm tickets view.
  • View an alarm tickets alarm details and history
  • Select and filter alarm types to consider critical.

Complete the following procedures as needed:

Filter the Active critical alarm types view

You can filter the critical alarm tickets displayed in the view by ticket status, Raised at, Alarm type label, site address or plant name.

  1. Click in the Filter by field.
  • The list of column headings displays.
  1. From the displayed column titles, hover over the appropriate column title and either click on it or press <enter>.
  1. Depending on the column type selected, type the appropriate text or date. Or, if you selected Ticket status, click one of the conditions or press <enter>: open, acknowledged, closed.
  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have configured the filter as needed.
  1. Click Refresh.
  • The Active critical alarm types view updates and displays the tickets according to the filter settings.

Sort ticket display by column

  • You have at least one critical alarm ticket displayed in the Active critical alarm types view.
  • Click on the column heading to sort the displayed alarm tickets by:
  • - Sorts the column in descending order.
  • - Sorts the column in ascending order.
  • The Active critical alarm types view updates and displays the tickets according to the sorting selection made.

View alarm details

  • You have at least one critical alarm displayed in the Active critical alarm types view.
  1. Navigate to the critical alarm ticket whose details you want to view.
  1. Click and select alarm details.
  • The Critical alarm details pop-up displays.
  1. To close the pop-up, click the x in the upper-right hand corner.

View critical alarm history

You have at least one critical alarm displayed in the Active critical alarm types view.

  1. Navigate to the critical alarm ticket whose history you want to view.
  1. Click anywhere in the critical alarm ticket row.
  • The Alarm History view displays.

Select critical alarm types

You want to select which alarm types to display in the Active critical alarm types view when they are active. Once you configure and apply the settings, the configuration is maintained on subsequent login’s.

  • You are in the Active critical alarm types view.
  1. Click .
  • The Alarm Types pop-up displays.
  1. To select which alarm types to display in the Active critical alarm types views, click the checkbox(es) next to the:
  • Label heading – All alarm types are checked and will display as critical alarms when they are active.
  • Individual alarm types – Only those alarm types with a check mark will display as critical alarms when they are active.
  1. Click Apply.
  • The critical alarm types settings are saved and the Alarm types pop-up closes. Anytime one of the Alarm types is in alarm, it will display in the Active critical alarm types view.
  • The Active critical alarm types view filter is updated to show the number of filters applied.

(Optional) Filter alarm types

You want to filter the displayed list of available alarm types.

  • You are in the Alarm types filter.
  1. Click in the Filter by field and start typing to automatically filter the alarm types by name as you type. When finished, press <enter>.
  1. Optionally, do one or more of the following until you have constructed your filter:
    NOTE: After each entry click elsewhere in the field, to enter another condition.
  • Click Label, and then type the appropriate condition text.
  • Click Selected and then click Yes to display.
  • When you are finished, press <enter>.
  • The Alarm types display is filtered according to filter conditions specified.