Plant list

Available plants are displayed in the "Operating" menu. The plants are identified by name, description, address, alarm and online status, among others.

Operational tips on how to adapt comprehensive lists for a better overview can be found in: "Search, sort, group"

Active and info symbols in the workpane

Symbol /


Clickable "Globe" symbol.

Direct link to web access for the corresponding plant.

Plant name.

Opens a detail view on the plant.

Alarm symbol.

Direct link to "alarms" for the corresponding plant.

Corresponds to the LED indicator on the web server and the plant state of the web user interface.

Content: There is or was (for offline plants) an error on the plant.

'Green leaf' symbol.

Corresponds to the LED indicator on the web server and the plant state of the web user interface.

Content: All "Energy indicator" data points are within their "Green limits", i.e. in the green.

'Orange leaf' symbol.

Corresponds to the LED indicator on the web server and the plant state of the web user interface.

Content: One or multiple "Energy indicator" data points are outside their "Green limits".

On/offline symbol.

Symbol available: The plant is online, i.e. connected to the portal via Internet.

Symbol unavailable: The plant is offline.

The portal monitors online status at adjustable intervals (every 5 minutes by default). The connection supervisor can trigger a corresponding plant message.