• Internet access required.
  • A project subscription is registered and configured at Siemens.
  • A Siemens-ID exists to login.
  1. Select the following link: https://cerberusportal.siemens.com.
  • The login page opens for Cerberus Portal.
  1. Accept or configure cookies guideline.
    INFO: When logging in to Cerberus Portal accept all cookies or manage preferences before using the App. There is no need to repeat this if you already accepted all cookies.
  1. (Optional) The Try the trial version link opens Cerberus Portal without a Siemens-ID to gain first impressions of Cerberus Portal.
  1. Select the user language from the drop-down list in the top righthand corner.
  1. Read the displayed security text.
    INFO: After login you can directly access and influence connected sites and assets as specified in the related documentation. You and your company are solely responsible for any impact on the connected sites and assets which result from your use of this Service.
  1. Select Sign In.
    INFO: The login process may vary from the description depending on the security level.
  1. Enter the login (Siemens-ID) and select Log In.
  • Cerberus Portal opens.