This widget shows the average occupancy of the selected rooms per individual day for the selected period. This enables you to easily identify the peak occupancy days.
- Legend: The legend for the colors used to represent individual days.
- Bar charts: Each bar represents one day. The y-axis represents its occupancy (in %) during the selected period. If the date range is greater than 14 days, the charts will automatically display the average occupancy per week. Hovering over a bar provides detailed information about the location and the aggregated occupancy and will also highlight data from other rooms for the same day for improved comparison. Select one of the bars to display the Drilldown with the room's details in a line chart. For more information, see Drilldown.
- Show labels: Select this checkbox to display the dates and occupancy information directly in the chart.
- Export: Save the chart as an .xlsx file. You can choose whether you want to export all data or data with the filters applied.
- Scrollbar: Use the blue box on the scrollbar to adjust the number of displayed charts. Move the left-side and right-side grips of the box to expand / reduce the number of displayed charts. You can also move the entire box by using the grey scroll box at the top. By selecting the top / grey area of the scroll bar, you can scroll left and right through the different rooms. The blue line indicates the overall status of the selected bars.