The Room-specific detail view displays more detailed information on the environmental quality indicators, especially the readings over time. The ability to view multiple rooms at the same time allows you to compare their environmental quality and perform further analysis.

  1. Chart: The chart shows the development of the measured values of the selected environment quality indicator over the specified period. The x-axis shows the time lapse for the selected period in days. The y-axis shows the corresponding unit of measurement for the selected environmental quality indicator. Individual data points in the line chart and values of the bars in the bar chart correspond to the daily average of the selected indicator of the respective room. Hover your mouse cursor over the chart to see the values for the respective period.
  2. Rooms: Rooms selected in Overview. Each room is automatically assigned a color that can be seen both in the legend and the line or bar chart.
  3. Environmental quality indicator filter: Allows you to select the environmental quality indicator to be displayed in the table. Expand the filter and select / unselect specific indicator by clicking on its name. Only those indications for which a sensor is available are included.
  4. Show Threshold: Displays thresholds for the selected environmental quality indicator as color-coded sections of the chart. See image below.
  5. The color code is as follows:
    • Green: Excellent and good environmental quality
    • White: Fair environmental quality
    • Red: Bad and severe environmental quality
  6. Bar chart: Switch to the bar chart view.
  7. Line chart: Switch to the line chart view.
  8. Download: Save the chart in your web browser's default download folder as a .png file.
  9. Save to Excel: Save the data the chart is based on in your web browser's default download folder as an .xlsx file.
  10. Scroll bar: Use the blue box on the scroll bar to select the specific period to be displayed in the chart. Move the left-side and right-side grips of the box to expand / reduce the selected period. You can also move the entire box by using the grey scroll box at the top.