The topic explains installing software by stepping through the Commissioning Wizard. The next five wizard steps relate to installing software and a station.
- You are running the Commissioning Wizard and just completed the licensing step.
- If you plan to ask the wizard to install a station from your PC, you must know the station's passphrase.
- Either (a) install the documentation JAR files by leaving the DOC: Module JARs having to Java classes box selected and click Next to continue, Or: (b) save space on the controller by removing the check mark from this option box and clicking Next.
All Niagara 4 platforms require runtime profiles. These runtime profiles should be used in the host:
RUNTIME identifies the core modules with runtime Java classes only. These modules do not support the user interface.
UX identifies bajaUX modules that support the user interface only.
WB identifies the modules that support the Workbench user interface.
SE identifies modules that support the full Java 8 Standard Edition. These are not available for QNX-based controllers.
DOC identifies documentation modules. These are not recommended for file space reasons on a controller.
- The Station Installation (Install a station from the local computer) window opens.
- Do one of the following: (a) If this is a new controller and no station exists for it yet, click Next. (b) If you are upgrading and the station already exists in the controller however, select Don't transfer station. (c) If you alternatively have the station on your PC, select the Station name and possibly give it a New Name Listed are station subfolders under in your Workbench User Home and enter its File Passphrase.
- If the passphrase for the local copy of the station is different from the remote host’s system passphrase, you are prompted to enter the local copy’s passphrase. If there is no passphrase mismatch, you are not prompted to enter one. When you select the station, it automatically prompts to enter a passphrase.
- Select or clear the check boxes START AFTER INSTALL, AUTO-START and click Next to continue.
This option starts the station immediately after it is copied. When you select this check box, the station is restarted at the end of commissioning, even if you do not reboot the controller.
This option starts the station every time the platform daemon starts. In some commissioning scenarios, you may wish to disable (clear) both start options when installing a station, especially if commissioning ends in a reboot. This way the Commissioning Wizard installs the software modules needed by the station, along with all station files, but leaves the station idle.
In this case, to start the station you must open a platform connection to the controller following the reboot and start the (now idle) station from the Application Director view. This allows you to see all standard output messages from the station as it transitions from idle to starting to started.
If doing this, in the Application Director be sure to enable AUTO-START for the selected station. Otherwise, it will remain idle after the next controller reboot.
- The Station Installation “Which station files are to be copied?” window opens. This window shows different options from which to copy station files.
- “Copy files from selected directories” specifies which subfolders under that local station that are copied. It opens a tree selection window upon Next button. If you choose this, click folder controls to expand and contract as needed.
- Copy every file in the station directory and its subdirectories. The default, and most typically used.
- “Copy only the config.bog station database file” copies only the station configuration (components), and not any supporting folders/files like px files, html files, and so forth.
- Select one of the options and click Next.
- The Lexicon Installation step opens, and the table displays a list of language codes.
- To use a language other than English, select the language code from the list and click Next.
- A popup Rebuilding software list window briefly displays the dependencies of the controller compared with the available software modules in your PC’s software database. Then it opens the Software Installation step.
- This table lists the available modules including their status, for example Out of Date. During commissioning, add to the software modules that are preselected for installation. Sometimes you may not make any changes, as the wizard preselects all necessary core modules, plus any additional modules needed by the station you previously specified in the Install Station step.
- A red text descriptor qualifies each core module: Install required platform module. Install required for runtime profile Install module required by station.
- You can select additional modules to install by clicking selection boxes. The description for each is in blue text, and displays as either: Not Installed (if not selected), or: Install (if selected).
You can select additional modules, including a few not directly related to the contents of the station selected for installation. Examples include lexicon module(s) and some modules related to Platform Services.
Alternatively, you may know that the controller will need one or more modules in the future (say for a driver) and wish to install them now.
In general, do not select modules if you are not sure they are needed. You can manage software modules later, using the Software Manager. Also, if you install a station later, the Station Copier will automatically prompt for confirmation to install any additional modules deemed necessary.
- For cases described below, install the following additional module(s) to enable options. (a) Select either (or both) theme-related modules: themeLucid-ux, themeZebra-ux, depending on how station users are assigned to Web Profiles (for example, Default Hx Profile, Hx Theme= Lucid). (b) If a station requires the Hardware Scan Service in its PlatformServices, select the appropriate platHwScanType modules. For example, select platHwScanTitan-rt and -wb modules. (c) Standard lexicon modules are listed using a module name with this convention: “niagaraLexiconLc-rt” where Lc is a two-character language code, such as Fr for French or Es for Spanish. It is also possible to make custom lexicon modules using Workbench lexicon tools (which can have different names).
- To reset the selection of modules to the original collection, click the Reset button.
- Do one of the following: (a) Either sort the list alphabetically by clicking the Module header in the table or return to the default sort order by clicking the table’s (blank) description header. (b) To review the list of modules, click each module’s check box to be updated ( ) and click Next. (c) Click Upgrade All Out of Date to upgrade all the modules at a time and click Next. (d) To reset the selection of modules to the original collection, click the Reset button and click Next. (e) Use the scroll bar to review the list.
Signature Status Warnings and Errors When Installing Modules
The Software Manager view and Commissioning Wizard’s Software Installation step includes signature status icons in the Installed Version and Available Version columns indicating the signature status of the installed and available modules. Attempting to install modules with signature warnings (indicated by a yellow icon) opens a signature warning window, and attempting to install modules with signature errors (indicated by a red icon) causes the installation to fail. For further details, refer to the Niagara Third Party Module Signing guide.
When you click Upgrade All Out of Date, the status of the selected modules changes to identify the software version to be installed.
- Next, the Distribution File Installation step opens.
- Review the file installation list and click Next to continue.
- The TCP/IP Configuration step opens.