In most cases, you perform the initial software installation and startup of the controller in your office, before physically mounting it in place at a job site. The remainder of this document assumes that you have the controller nearby, and are able to power it on and off as needed. After you complete the commissioning process described in this document, you can mount and wire the controller at the job site, making permanent mounting and wiring connections.

Niagara 4 uses the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol to provide communication authentication and encryption. It supports TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. For details, refer to the Niagara Station Security Guide.

When using Workbench, the default Open Platform and Open Station operations initially assume a Platform TLS Connection and a Fox TLS Connection. This is intended to encourage TLS usage for all Niagara 4 platforms and stations. If necessary, you can change either connection type, and Workbench remembers this type to use on your next connection. You can change back to original settings again, as needed.