SRAM support is provided by the DataRecoveryService, a platform service that applies to SRAM-equipped SLX controllers.

  • Prerequisite: You are using Workbench and are connected to a remote station.
  • In the Nav tree, expand the station’s Services→PlatformServices, and double-click DataRecoveryService.
  • The Data Recovery Service Editor window opens. NOTICE!

NOTICE! By default, the Service Enabled property is true. This is appropriate since the controller has no backup battery installed.

With Service Enable set to “false”, DataRecoveryService no longer records runtime data-based changes to SRAM and instead relies entirely on its own backup battery to preserve station data upon a power loss.

  1. To write the configuration to the host platform, click Save.
  • You are prompted to reboot now to apply the changes.
  1. To reboot with the change in the DataRecoveryService (disabled or enabled) made effective, click Yes.