Although you may change the date, time and time zone using Platform→PlatformAdministration→Change Date/ Time, in some cases the installation requires access using a browser only. In that instance, the station’s PlatformServices serves as a useful alternative.

  • Prerequisite: You are running Workbench and are connected to the controller station.
  1. In the Nav tree, double-click Config→Services→PlatformServices.
  • The Platform Service Container Plugin opens. Some properties in this view are read-only. Other configuration properties can be edited. A group of three configuration properties adjust the time, date, and time zone settings for the host controller.
  1. Configure System Time, Date, Time Zone and click Save. NOTICE! You should leave the remaining properties at their default values, unless otherwise directed by systems engineering.
  • The framework writes any configuration changes to the host controller platform.

The Niagara Platform Guide documents all PlatformServices properties.