This message type is used to set the default display mode. This is the display mode that the device always returns to after it has been interacted with through the button.
Parent Protobuf File | SiemensLoRaIAQMessage.proto |
Protobuf File | SiemensIAQCommandDisplayMessage.proto |
Example Payload Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAWgYIDBgAMAE= |
Example Payload Hexadecimal | 0A05080210986010005A06080C18003001 |
Example Decoded | SiemensIAQLoraMessage
device_uuid: device_type: 2 device_uuid: device_id: 12312 device_timestamp: 0
mode: 2 [Score] temp_unit: 0 [Celcius] clock_mode: 1 [24 Hour] |
Simple Examples:
Set Co2as Default Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAWgYIDBgAMAE= |
Set Co2as Default Hexadecimal | 0A05080210986010005A06080C18003001 |
Set Score as Default Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAWgYIAhgAMAE= |
Set Score as Default Hexadecimal | 0A05080210986010005A06080218003001 |
The LED message is used to control the brightness of the LEDs in the device. Since both the RGB and display use LEDs, this affects the visual feedback of the entire device.
Parent Protobuf File | SiemensLoRaIAQMessage.proto |
Protobuf File | SiemensIAQCommandLEDMessage.proto |
Example Payload Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAYgQIABAA |
Example Payload Hexadecimal | 0A0508021098601000620408001000 |
Example Decoded | SiemensIAQLoraMessage
device_uuid: device_type: 2 device_uuid: device_id: 12312 device_timestamp: 0
mode: 0 [Manual] brightness: 0 |
Simple Examples:
Set Manual Brightness Level 0/100 Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAYgQIABAAC |
Set Manual Brightness Level 0/100 Hexadecimal | 0A0508021098601000620408001000 |
Set AutoBrightness Level 0/100 Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAYgQIARAA |
Set AutoBrightness Level 0/100 Hexadecimal | 0A0508021098601000620408011000 |
Time sync
When a device sends a time sync request, it is asking the LoRa gateway to respond with the time information. A gateway can either respond to a time sync request with this message or send this spuriously to ensure the device remains in sync. The definition of the time sync message gives a request and response type. Here we should always be the response.
Parent Protobuf File | SiemensLoRaIAQMessage.proto |
Protobuf File | SiemensIAQTimeSyncProtocol.proto |
Example Payload Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAogEfEh0KClVTL1BhY2lmaWM Q6LSyoAYYgJ/+////////AQ== |
Example Payload Hexadecimal | 0A0508021098601000A2011F121D0A0A55532F5061 636966696310E8B4B2A00618809FFEFFFFFFFF FFFF01 |
Example Decoded | SiemensIAQLoraMessage [Response]
device_uuid: device type: 2 device_uuid: device id: 12312 device_timestamp: 0
timezone: US/Pacific utc_in_seconds: 1678547560 utc_offset_in_seconds: -28800 |
System control
A system control message commands the device to perform an admin-level function. These include reboot and factory resetting the device.
Parent Protobuf File | SiemensLoRaIAQMessage.proto |
Protobuf File | SiemensIAQCommandSysctrlMessage.proto |
Example Payload Base64 | CgUIAhCYYBAAggECCAA= |
Example Payload Hexadecimal | 0A05080210986010008201020800 |
Example Decoded | SiemensIAQLoraMessage
device_uuid: device type: 2 device_uuid: device id: 12312 device_timestamp: 0
command: 0 [Reboot] |