This section provides instructions on creating MSIB nodes and configuring the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) CAISO API Service. From a high level, creating and configuring nodes is a three-step process.

1. Create 26 virtual points in the BAS.

2. Create a virtual node in MSIB.

3. Configure the SMUD Service for the virtual node to receive utility cost data from the SMUD CAISO API.

MSIB supports these three types of SMUD nodes.

1. SMUD to P2

2. SMUD to BACnet

3. SMUD BACnet server mode – to serve SMUD data as BACnet IP

MSIB Installation Requirements for Creating SMUD Nodes

There are two ways to use SMUD, so there are two potential paths of MSIB installation:

  • BACnet Server Mode
  • Non-BACnet Server Mode

To create SMUD BACnet Server Mode nodes, these options are required during installation.

License Key:

BACnet IP:

Enabled Services:

To create SMUD Non-BACnet Server Mode nodes, these options are required during installation.

License Key:

BACnet IP:

Enabled Services:

Before Beginning

Before creating any nodes, complete the following prerequisites.

Before creating and configuring the MSIB nodes, you will need to have prepared the dependencies. MSIB is dependent on the following:

  • Online access to the SMUD CAISO API will be necessary to allow MSIB to receive the information.
  • For other system requirements, see the section titled MSIB Application Requirements.
  • The required 26 virtual points are defined in the BAS.

SMUD Virtual Points

The MSIB node points will align with the 26 virtual analog points in the BAS. Twenty-four of these points are for the hour of the day, and the other two are for identifying the SMUD ID and for tracking the health of the data. These points must be defined as follows:

  • Analog-type = float virtual points
  • Suggested decimal precision of four to eight
  • All points must share a common prefix, with the unique suffix of the point names matching exactly what is shown below:
    • <PREFIX>HR-00
    • <PREFIX>HR-01
    • <PREFIX>HR-23
    • <PREFIX>ID

In this sample Point Log Report, the prefix is LAB005.SMUD.

Point Log Report

Example of the Point Definition for LAB005.SMUD.HR-00 point:

Point Display Definition Report

Creating a New Single Node for BACnet Server Mode

To create an MSIB node for receiving SMUD information, use the Create Single Node option. In the BACnet server mode, this single node will appear as a BACnet device to any connected BACnet system. All BACnet objects for the SMUD information will appear under one virtual node.

Six pieces of information are needed to create a new node. Three of them are filled in by default but may be overwritten to customize the virtual node to conform to site specific guidelines. To create a BACnet virtual node in MSIB the following must be entered:

  • MSIB Virtual BACnet Node Name
  • BACnet Object Name
  • BACnet Description
  • MSIB Virtual BACnet Device Instance number
  • Network Number on which the MSIB Virtual BACnet node will reside
  • BACnet MAC Address

Follow the process described below to create new single BACnet Server Mode node.

To begin, select the Create single node button.

The following window opens.

Create New SMUD Node

1. Each node in MSIB must have a unique name. Enter a Node Name. Consider how the data is to be presented to the client.

2. Optionally enter a BACnet Object Name and BACnet Description. If nothing is entered in these fields they default to being the same as the Node Name.

3. Enter the BACnet Device Instance number for the virtual node, again keeping in mind how the node will appear to the client system. In a BACnet system the Instance number must be unique on a network segment.

4. Enter the BACnet Network number for the new virtual node. The Network Number identifies the devices that reside on a particular network segment.

5. Enter a BACnet MAC Address for the virtual MSIB node. This number is required in BACnet for message routing. In MSIB the BACnet MAC Address defaults to be the same as the Instance number but this may be overwritten to meet site specific requirements.

To configure the SMUD CAISO API Service, complete the following process.

SMUD Caiso API Service

6. Select SMUD CAISO API Service from the Service drop-down list.

7. Accept the default of 9 for the ID.

8. Define the Start Instance for the BACnet device being exposed. Specifically, this defines what the first instance will be for the first hourly point. All other points will increase sequentially from this starting instance.

9. Accept the default of 3600 seconds (one hour) for the Polling Seconds. This is how often MSIB will poll the SMUD CAISO API for values.

10. When finished, click the Create and start button. After a successful create and start, the Nodes list will appear with the new Nodes created in the list.

Note: For details about the operation of nodes, see the section titled Working with Nodes.

Note: After creating new nodes, the BACnet objects will fail until the nodes receive initial SMUD values.

Creating a Single Non-BACnet Server Mode Node

To create an MSIB node for receiving SMUD information, use the Create Single Node option. In the non-BACnet server mode, this single node will read the SMUD values and command them to either a P2 panel for a P2 node or a BACnet panel for a BACnet node.

Creating a Siemens P2 Panel Node

Follow the process described below to create new single P2 Panel Node.

To begin, select the Create single node button.

The following window opens.

Create SMUD Non-BACnet P2 Node

1. Each node in MSIB must have a unique name. Enter a Node Name. Consider how the data is to be presented to the client.

2. Select SMUD CAISO API Service from the Service drop-down list.

3. Accept the default of 9 for the ID.

4. Accept the default of 3600 seconds (one hour) for the Polling Seconds. This is how often MSIB will poll the SMUD CAISO API for values and push the values to the panel.

5. Enter the Panel IP Address for the panel to which the point values will be pushed.

6. Select the Protocol of the panel to which you will push data. It will be either BACnet or Siemens P2.

Note: If Siemens P2 is selected, then set up the remaining P2 panel details.

7. Identify the Point Prefix used for each of the SMUD virtual points.

8. Identify the Panel Node Name for the panel containing the SMUD virtual points

9. Identify the Panel Port number.

10. Identify the Panel ALN Name.

11. Accept the Priority default of Operator.

12. When finished, click the Create and start button. After a successful create and start, the Nodes list will appear with the new Nodes created in the list.

Note: For details about the operation of nodes, see the section titled Working with Nodes.

Creating a BACnet Panel Node

Follow the process described below to create new single BACnet Panel Node.

To begin, select the Create single node button.

The following window opens.