If MSIB is colocated on a PC with Desigo CC , there are some special considerations to use the discovery feature.
MSIB discovery relies on the “I AM” responses to a “WHO IS” request. The “WHO IS” request is sent out as a BACnet broadcast and all BACnet devices on the same subnet will respond with the “I AM” and their specific information. Depending on the equipment these “I AM” responses will either be sent out as directed unicast messages or as broadcast messages to the used BACnet port.
In Example 1, MSIB is the only program on the PC ( and using the BACnet port 47808 for transmit and receive.
In the example below, we see the “WHO-IS” request go out in line 4811. In the following lines the BACnet devices will respond, some with a directed unicast and others as a broadcast. Regardless of how they respond, all will respond to port 47808.
In this case MSIB receives all the “I-AM” responses and do a successful discovery. In Example 2, MSIB is installed on the same PC together with Desigo CC (or any other program using a BACnet port).