Changing a user name and password

MSIB has two types of users: an Administrator (Normal User) and a Read-only user. MSIB allows the Administrator to change an existing password or both a user name and the associated password.

Changing the Administrator

  1. Go to Settings > Users.
  1. In the Normal user pane, enter the desired changes to the user settings.
    See Defining an initial administrator for user name and password requirements.
  1. Select Save.
  • After saving the user, the new user needs to re-log into the application.

Configuring a read-Only User

A logged in Administrator has the option of adding a Read-only user. MSIB allows only one read-only user account.

  • You are logged in as administrator.
  1. Go to Settings > Users.
  1. In the Read-only user pane, enter the required user information to create the read-only user.
    See Defining an initial administrator for user name and password requirements.
  1. Select Save.
  • After saving the user, the new user needs to re-log into the application.

Deleting a Read-Only User

  • You are logged in as administrator.
  1. Go to Settings > Users.
  1. In the Read-only user pane, select Delete.
  • A message displays.
  1. Select OK to confirm.

Resetting the user account

The user account can be manually reset by a user with Administrator read/write access to the file system on which MSIB is installed.

  1. To reset the account, locate the file users.msib in the MSIB installation folders.
  1. Delete the file.
  • The account reset is complete.
    If the user refreshes the browser or reopens MSIB, a new user must be defined under Settings > Users as described above.