The Navigator Service in MSIB allows the use of real time data to be sent from the panels to Navigator without the need for trend files. MSIB connects an APOGEE site to Navigator for FDD applications and programmatically matches the point data with the Navigator meters and structure, using the information supplied by the import file.

MSIB Navigator Connection

Once the MSIB nodes are created and started, MSIB begins pushing data to the Navigator meters at the time interval indicated in the node configuration.

If a value changes in the system, it can be viewed in the MSIB node and also be sent up to the Navigator meter at the next configured time interval defined in the MSIB node.

Buffering Data

To ensure valuable data is not lost, MSIB buffers point values if Navigator is temporarily unavailable or unable to upload the meter values.

Pending Folder

MSIB automatically creates a Pending folder and store meter data in that folder if Navigator cannot be reached. These text files of data will be resent to Navigator every 15 minutes until successful. Once a text file is successfully sent to Navigator, it will be deleted from the Pending folder. MSIB transmits the files in a first in, first out order.

Stopping and Starting

There are several options to stop or start buffering.

  • If a MSIB node is stopped, the process of resending the pending meter files for that node also stops until that node is restarted.
  • If an MSIB node is deleted, any pending txt files for that node are also deleted.

Buffering Limits

Buffering is affected by limits.

By default, MSIB stores up to 675 files per node, which is roughly a week of data at 15-minute intervals. If you wish to change this default, you can change the number of files on the Settings > General page. You can store up to a limit of 3000 files per node. Once the maximum number of files is met for a node, MSIB will stop writing files for that node, but will continue to buffer data for other nodes that have not reached the maximum.

For more information on how to change the buffering limits, see Settings.

Approximately .03KB to .04KB is used per point per file. Keep this in mind while setting the limits. For example, with the default setting of 675 samples per node and 500 nodes you would roughly need 675 x 500 x 0.04kB = 13,500 kB or about 13MB.

On local drives, MSIB stops buffering files once the hard drive fills to 80% of capacity. If the 80% limit is reached all creation of Buffered Data Files is suspended until the disk space goes back to 79% or less.

Navigator Remote Sensor Fault Indication

MSIB transmits fault indications for sensors that are experiencing a hardware fault. This information can be used in Navigator for reports and troubleshooting. An example using ROOM TEMP follows:

Fault Indicators

MSIB displays this hardware fault information as part of the node status.

Point Status and Priority in Navigator

MSIB submits point status and priority by default to Navigator.