Creating and Configuring Desigo Building Management System MSIB Nodes for the Navigator Configuration Service

This section is specifically for the Desigo BMS, not Desigo CC.

This section provides instructions on creating MSIB nodes and configuring the Navigator Configuration service for use with a Desigo Building Management System (not used in Region North America). The Desigo system must be BACnet IP.

From a high level, creating and configuring nodes is a two part process:

  1. Create a virtual node or nodes in MSIB for the purpose of exposing BACnet IP data from the Desigo BMS.
  2. Configure the Navigator Configuration service for pushing data to Navigator.

MSIB relies on the object instance of the BACnet objects. If the project in a PXC controller is edited, the object instances may change. Because MSIB uses this object information from the EDE file, a new EDE file will need to be obtained and the MSIB node reconfigured if a change is made.

Before beginning

Before creating any nodes, you must complete the prerequisites. MSIB for FDD Navigator is an integral part of the FDD workflow. Before creating and configuring the MSIB nodes, you will need to have completed some of the FDD steps because MSIB is dependent on the following:

  • EDE output file(s) in comma separated format
  • A system site set up in Navigator
    • Navigator meters will need to be created before MSIB can send data to the meters.
    • Trends are not necessary because MSIB will use real time point data.
  • If a proxy connection is needed for the Navigator connection, see the section titled Navigating the User Interface for setting up the proxy.
  • For X200/X300 performance information for MSIB with the Navigator Service, see Working with Navigator.

Collecting data

To create MSIB nodes and configure services, the following source and client information is required:

  • An understanding of both the source and Navigator site will be necessary in order to configure MSIB nodes for communication.
  • Online access to source data will be necessary to verify communication with the source.

Sending data from a single source to multiple destinations

In order to send data from a single source to multiple destinations, a separate node will need to be created for each destination service.

Creating a new node

The first step to configuring MSIB is to create a virtual node or nodes.

For Desigo system devices, only use the Create single node button.

  1. Select Create single node.
  1. Enter a Node Name.
    The name must match the desired panel name from the EDE file. Panel names are located in the Device Sys Name column. Using the correct name will enable MSIB to select the correct node. The file, the system, and MSIB node must all match. If a change is made in one, it will also need to be made in the other
  1. From the Service drop-down list, select Navigator Configuration Service.
  1. Enter the Navigator Device Username and Navigator Device Password.

MSIB validates the Navigator device name and Navigator device password before allowing a node to be created.

  1. For Import Type, select EDE Export File.
  1. Select Choose file and select the import file.

An EDE file must only contain the points for a single BACnet device and cannot contain multiple BACnet devices.

  1. Select the Source Network Type to indicate if the source network is local or remote. Choose Local or Remote.
    If the Source Network Type is Local, proceed to Step 10. If the Source Network Type is Remote, you will need to indicate information about that remote network.
  1. Enter the Source BACnet Network. This is the BACnet network number on which the source device resides.
  1. Enter the Source BACnet MAC Address. This is the MAC address of the source device.
  1. Enter the Source IP Address. This is the IP address of the source BACnet IP/Ethernet device.
  1. Enter the Source BACnet Port. This is the BACnet port defined within the source device.
  1. Enter a desired Polling Interval or leave the default of 900 seconds between polling cycles (15 minutes).
  1. Enter a desired Separation for the number of milliseconds between point requests within a polling cycle or leave at the default of 600 milliseconds.

A separation of 600 means that 1.5 points will be polled per second. With a Polling Interval of 900 seconds, a total of 1,350 points can be polled from this source.

The intent of the separation for a polling period is to reduce the amount of data requested from a device at any one time. Older source devices with limited resources are especially prone to going offline when they are being overwhelmed with requests for data.

  1. Select Create and start.
  • You may need to refresh the page before the data displays. This is especially true for larger amounts of data. MSIB will start sending data to the Navigator site. For details about the operation of nodes, see Working with nodes.