Displays details such as tasks created by you and assigned to you, open and expired tasks. An option to filter tasks according to locations is also present.

Creating new tasks

  1. Tap Tasks on the vertical navigation.
  1. Tap on the vertical navigation (1).
  • The Create task screen displays with the default values set for Priority, Category, and Object type.
  1. Do the following:
  • Enter the values for name and description.
  • Modify the values for priority, category, and object type (if needed). By default, Component is selected as the Object type.
  • Search and select the object depending on the set object type. Tap Apply.
  • Depending on the values selected for Object type and Object, the values for Room/segment and Building are automatically populated.
  • Assign the task to the concerned individual.
  • Specify a due date for the task.
  1. (Optional) Add a photo to the task.
  • Tap the camera icon to the upper right.
  • From the displayed options, tap Take a Photo.
  • Tap Apply to add the photo to the task, Cancel to re-take the photo, Edit to edit the photo.
  • The photo is added to the task at the bottom of the page.
  1. Tap Create.
  • A new task is created.

Creating and editing tasks for components, rooms, or segments

  1. From the Barcode scanner, scan the barcode of a component, room or segment.
  • All the components, rooms and segments associated with the scanned barcode display.
  1. Select a component, room, or segment from the displayed list.
  1. Tap Tasks.
  • A list of tasks associated with the selected component, room, or segment displays. If there are no associated tasks, the text, No data displays.
  1. Tap an existing task to view it's details and perform updates (if required).
  1. Tap New to create a new task.
  • The Create task screen displays with the basic details of the selected component, room, or segment such as Priority, Category, Object type, Object, Room/segment, and Building.
  1. Specify the other details as follows:
  • Enter the values for name and description.
  • Assign the task to the concerned individual.
  • Specify a due date for the task.
  1. (Optional) Add a photo to the task. For details, see Creating new tasks.
  1. Tap Create.
  • A new task is created.

You can create tasks for objects of all types (Building, Floor, Room/segment, Component, Document) in the offline mode. The tasks reflect in the Tasks tab after the device is online and the data synchronization is complete.

Editing tasks

  1. Tap Tasks on the vertical navigation.
  1. Select the task to be edited.
  • The details of the task display.