Only users with privileges 'Fire standard' or 'Fire advanced' can perform the run the tests.

  • A test case under Testing with state Resume is open for further testing.
  1. Tap Resume.
  1. Tap Filter.
  1. Tap Event category options to filter the events:
    Alarm, Gas/CO/Emergency, and Other.
  • The event list is filtered by the selected event category option.
  1. Select an event from the list.
  • The event details are displayed.
  1. (Optional) With push notification mechanism, tap Open notification settings, activate push notification, and activate text-to-speech for the following event categories:
  • Alarm
  • Gas/CO/Emergency
  • Other
  1. Test other events or tap Stop test.
  • If you tap Stop test, the Finish test dialog box displays.
  1. Tap Finish test to stop the test session. This closes the tests. Once a tests is closed it can no longer be opened.