Ensure you have met the following prerequisites.
For more information on the links from where you can download these prerequisites, see step 7.

  • Microsoft .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime V8.0.10 or higher
  • Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime V8.0.10 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable V14.40.33816.0 or higher
  • Ensure you have uninstalled ABT Cloud software.
  1. Enter the following link in a supported web browser:
  1. Login to Fire Manager.
  1. In the navigation bar, select Sites.
  1. Select a site from the list if multiple sites are operated.
  1. Select Site info .
  1. In the Tunnel connection expander, as shown in image the warning message appears:
    To download Siemens CloudLink, refer to step 7 or if you have already installed the software and want to launch the software, then go to step 8.
  1. If Siemens CloudLink is not installed, then select Download.
  • Following Prerequisites dialog box appears.
  • Click the prerequisite links and the respective Microsoft 64-bit configuration web page opens.
    -Download and install the prerequisites.
  • Select Install tunnel agent and CloudLink-[vx].msi is downloaded and stored in Downloads folder of your machine.
  • Right-click CloudLink-[vx].msi and select Install to install the Siemens CloudLink software.
  • Siemens CloudLink is downloaded and installed successfully.
  1. Go to Search bar, type Siemens CloudLink, and launch the application.
  • When launching Siemens CloudLink software for the first time on a machine where it has never been installed, following security certificate warnings might appear:
  • Click Yes to install these certificates and launch the Siemens CloudLink software successfully.