After commissioning is complete, you can configure address and other object mapping information and export the configured objects to a CSV file under "Communication Configuration" > “Server Points“ ("TCP & COM1 Server Points” or "TCP Server Points”). The exported file can be imported directly into Desigo Optic for quick deployment.

You can set a starting address (max. 5000) in the field of "Mapping Start Address" and determine whether to automatically map registers by checking or unchecking the "Auto Mapping" checkbox. After clicking "Auto Address Assignment", all points with the "Auto Mapping" checkbox checked are automatically assigned register addresses in ascending order from the starting address. Points with Auto Mapping checkbox unchecked do not get automatic register addresses. After all mapping settings are complete, you can click "Export CSV" to export the CSV file, which can then be imported directly into Desigo Optic seamlessly. Note: Do not open, modify, or save the exported CSV file with EXCEL. It is recommended to use Windows Notepad for editing.

The following point types are displayed as labels on the upper left part of the Server Points dialog window: Ping, Present value, Reliability, VP (virtual point), RTC (Real-time Clock) and Communication failure. Clicking X next to a label removes all points of the same type from the point list underneath.

  1. Max. 150 virtual and I/O points can be mapped.