When using the tool for the first time, you can set your preferred color theme and display language. There are many color schemes to choose from, but the interface language only supports Chinese and English.

Note: After the tool is installed, you need to create a workspace before creating a project. A workspace is a folder where projects are saved. You can create more than one workspace and switch over as desired.

Change the color theme

  1. In the area of "Shortcut Keys" in the primary side bar, click "Color Theme".
  1. Select a desired color theme.

Change the language

  1. In the area of "Shortcut Keys" in the primary side bar, click "Language".
  1. Switch between English and Chinese.

Create a workspace

  1. In the area of "Shortcut Keys" in the primary side bar, click "WorkSpace".
  1. Specify a folder as the workspace.