1. Open Building X Access.
  1. Select the I Agree to the EUA check box.
  • Log in dialog opens.

Depending on the device used, the dialogs may be displayed differently.

For managed devices (customer specific implementation), there is only one authentication Log in option.

Logging in with managed devices

  1. Tap on Log in.
  • The system redirects you to the Building X Access login page.
  1. Tap on Continue.
  • Authentication will be checked.

Logging in with not managed devices

  1. You have three authentication options. Contact your system administrator for information about authentication.
  • Log in: The application redirects you to the Siemens login page.
  • Customer-specific login: You need your email and password.
  • Import ID cards: This option can be used in offline mode.
  1. Tap your authentication option.
  1. Enter your email and password.
  1. Tap Log in.