NFC (P81)

The thermostat is commissioned with NFC (near-field communication) via the Siemens Quick Config smartphone app.

The max. distance between smartphone and the thermostat is 2 cm while scanning the NFC area on the individual package or thermostat antenna. Data exchange between controller and Siemens smartphone application is 2...3 s.

P81 locally enables/disables NFC communication. When disabled (default is enabled), the application cannot read or write the thermostat and message "NFC communication is disabled on the thermostat." displays.

Using Siemens smartphone application, users can:

  • Set, read or download thermostat parameter settings
  • Enable or disable password protection (P82)
  • Import and export the setting parameter list in .json format


  • When NFC communication is enabled, the parameters can be configured even if the thermostat has no power.
  • The phone must have active NFC functionality.
  • NFC does not synch from device until 10 minutes after changes to thermostat configuration. Changes may not be saved if power fails within 10 minutes.

For commissioning via Siemens Quick Config smartphone app, see Commissioning.