• You have tagged data points in the Data Setup app.
  • You have created a rule with result node in the Rules app.
  • The rule is assigned to a partition in the Rules app.
  • The rule is applied to an equipment unit in the Rules app.
  • You have the DV Advanced user role.
  1. In the Dashboard, select Edit.
  1. Select Create widget.
  1. From the list of available widget types, select Rule widget.
  1. Select Next.
  • The Create widget dialog displays.
  1. Enter a name for the widget.
  1. From the dropdown list, select a Partition (1)
  1. In Rules selection, select a rule (2).

Only one rule can be selected at a time.

  1. In Rule results, expand the Time series data and Event (3).
  1. Select one or multiple data points from the Time series data (maximum five) and Event (maximum five).

A maximum of 10 data points from the Time series data and Event can be selected.

  1. Select Create (4).

Event grouping: If the rule is configured with multiple events of the same type (Ok, Fault, Warning), the DV chart will consolidate and display only one event.

Event prioritization: If the rule is configured with multiple events (Ok, Fault, Warnings) are triggered, the chart will display only one event based on prioritization. The priority order is Fault, Warning, Ok, Inconclusive, and Undetermined.