• The steps described for the preparation are completed.
  1. Go to Rules.
  1. In the Company library, deactivate the rules.
    This prevents rules to run automatically before all requirements are verified.
  1. In the Partition library, link the rules to the desired assets (pieces of equipment). See Linking a rule to assets.

We recommend not linking the rule to all assets of a type before verifying the data points are set up correctly. Selecting all assets of a type may result in a large number of rules in the Asset library. We recommend to start with a few linked assets to verify that the equipment and data points have been set up correctly.

  1. In the Asset rules, perform applicability tests for each rule-asset-pair. See Running an applicability test.
  1. In the Company library, activate the rules.
  • The rules run with the default schedule.

FDD rules come with a default schedule. The default schedule cannot be changed.