The Function details card displays only after selecting the Meter equipment type in the New Equipment card. The Function details card is only visible for users with the Energy Manager subscription and membership in a user group with the Energy Manager Advanced user role.

The Measures location defines the location the meter equipment is measuring. To change the location of the meter equipment itself, edit the Located field in the Relationships card. The Located and Measures location can be different.
Example: A meter located in the basement can still measure a floor. Main meters can measure any location and are not limited to buildings.

  • You have created a new piece of equipment and selected the Meter equipment type.
  • You have onboarded a device in the same location.
  • You have added a device and data point in the Relationships card for the meter.
  • You are on the Hierarchy tab.
  1. Go to Function details.
  • Only the Select medium button is visible.
  1. Select Select medium.
  1. Select a consumption group.
  1. Select a medium and media group.
  • The Function details now displays more fields and options for the meter.
  • Values that fit the selected media group and medium are filled in by default.
  1. (Optional) To add a different Measures location, select Edit and choose a location.
    Select Save.

By default, the same location as in the Relationships card is selected. Once the meter is created, this field is not editable.

Only locations of the building type can be selected. The Measures location field can only be edited during creation of the meter.

  1. Review the automatically filled in data and change if required:
  • Select the Unit in which your medium is measured.
    The unit depends on the selection of the media group and medium.

To see data on the dashboard of Energy Manager, use a energy or volumetric unit for all media or convert the media afterwards with the calorific value feature.

  • The Reading method is automatically selected and defines how the values are acquired.
  • Select the correct Measuring method matching the installed meter to calculate actual consumption in reporting.
    Cumulative: The collected values are accumulating over time where each subsequent value is equal or higher than its predecessor. The consumption is calculated by subtracting the previous intervals measured value from the current measured value, starting from the entered Start value.
    For meters with a present value measuring, the consumption for a given interval is measured. The interval is defined in the meter settings.

To ensure that the correct measuring method is selected, confirm the time series in the Data Setup app.

  • Enter the Start value to define the initial value for the meter.

The Start value is only relevant for the measuring method Cumulative.
If the measuring method Present value is selected, the Start value field does not display.

  • (Optional) Enter a Max. value for the cumulative measuring method.
  • Select the Aggregation to define how the time series values are treated in reporting.
    Select between Max, Min, Average or Sum.

Siemens recommends, to use the parameter Sum for meters indicating consumption.

  • Select the Missing data to define how missing values are treated during reporting.
    Linear interpolation: The missing periods are filled linearly.
    Ignore: The missing periods are not filled.

The filled value depends on the Aggregation. If Average is selected, the new value equals the existing one, otherwise the new value is a fractional value of the existing one.

  1. Go to the New equipment card.
  1. Select Save.