This section covers how to display scans with different lifecycle stages in one view.

  1. Go to Site setup > Dataset management.
  1. Import all datasets to your site.
    Onboarding of NavVis point cloud scan data by NavVis or scanning partner
  1. Go to Site setup > Dataset alignment.
  1. Select and unlock one of the datasets.
  1. Move the dataset to a higher position in the building, as if it was another floor.

Make sure not to move the dataset left or right (y or x axis) otherwise the datasets wont be aligned.

  1. Select Save.
  1. Go to Site setup > Site model.
  1. Auto generate a building structure by selecting Auto generate.
  1. Adjust the bounding box of the floors to include the dataset you want to separate.
  1. Go to View.
  • If you move from one floor to the next, you should be viewing the same area of interest from the same location, but from a different scan and point of time.