• You have the API Manager Advanced user role and Customer Administrator or Machine User Administrator platform role.
  1. Select Launchpad > API Manager.
  1. Go to Machine users.
  1. Select Create.
  1. Enter a Name and Description in the required fields.

The maximum length of Name is 128 characters. Special characters are not allowed.

  1. Select the required User groups from the dropdown list.

In case the User groups dropdown list is empty, you can create and edit a new user group in Accounts. For detailed information, see Accounts User Guide.

  1. Select Create.
  • The Machine user created dialog displays.
  1. Copy the Client ID and Client secret key and store them securely.
  • The machine user you created is displayed in the list of machine users.

Make sure you keep machine user credentials (Client ID and Client secret key) confidential. Anyone having this information can access the system.

Once a machine user is created, it can be handed over to developers. This enables them to use the API without having to be a user in Building X themselves.