A tariff represents an average or on/off-peak price charged per medium, including annual fixed costs. Tariffs are used to monitor costs of your energy consumption.

To configure a new tariff, carry out the following instructions:

  1. Select Configuration in the vertical navigation.
  1. Select the site you want to edit in the dropdown list.
  1. Select Create in the Tariffs widget.
  • The Select tariff model dialog opens.
  1. Fill in the respective fields.
  • Select the Consumption group from the dropdown list.
  • Select the Medium from the dropdown list.
  • Choose your Tariff between Average and High and low.
  1. Select Next.
  • The Specify prices dialog is shown.
  1. Specify the price.

The Specify prices dialog depends on your chosen tariff. For further information, see below.

  1. Select Next.
  • The Create tariff dialog is shown.
  1. Select the Valid from date in the date picker.
  1. (Optional) Add a comment in the Comment field.
  1. Select Save to confirm.

Specifying the average price

To specify the Average price, carry out the following instructions:

  • The price per unit and annual fix costs are known.
  1. Choose the tariff Average in the Select tariff model dialog.
  1. Fill out the respective fields.
  • Select the Unit.
    Currently only kWh is available.
  • Select the preferred Currency.
  • Enter the Price per unit.
  • Enter the Annual fixed costs.
    If there are no annual fixed costs enter 0.

Specifying the high and low price

To specify the High and low price, carry out the following instructions:

This option is not available for all Consumption groups or Mediums.

  1. Choose the tariff High and low price in the Select tariff model dialog.
  1. Fill out the respective fields.
  • Select the Unit.
    Currently only kWh is available.
  • Select the preferred Currency.
  • (Optional) Select the Same price all day (3) checkbox.
    If this field is selected, no low price and demand based price can be entered. The high price will become the daily rate.
  • Enter the Low price.
  • Enter the High price.
  • Enter the period for the high price.
  • Enter the Demand based price per kW.
    If there is no demand based price enter 0 in the field.
  • (Optional) Enter the time period of the demand based price if this price is used.
  • Enter the Annual fixed costs.
    If there are no annual fixed costs enter 0.