A Point cloud instance represents a scanned area of various sizes (a partial floor, several floors, an entire building…).
Currently, we do not support automatic placement of Point of interest. The user who creates the linked Point of interest of selected data point, must know its real position / observation area in the building.
- Linked Point of interest is created in 360° Viewer. For more information, see Creating linked Point of interest in 360° Viewer.
- You have opened the linked Point of interest in NavVis.
- Select Edit in the POI details pane.
- Edit POI dialog opens.
- Select Move located below the text editor.
- The editing dialog is hidden. Cancel and Save Position appear at the bottom of the POI details pane.
- Select any point in the panorama view or 2D map where you want to position the POI.
- Select Save position in upper left corner and then Save in the Edit POI dialog.
- POI icon is visible on 2D map.