The application function VAV ventilation control 11 (VavVntCtl11) collaborates with VAV supply air terminal boxes for ventilation and/or room air quality control.


  • Ventilation mode: The ventilation mode can be set per room operating mode to:
    • Off
    • Minimum (Constant air flow)
    • Dcv (Demand controlled ventilation)*
    • Dcv & Min (Demand controlled ventilation with a minimum air flow limit)*
  • *) Room air quality sensor required in the room.
  • Minimum ventilation setup: Minimum ventilation air flow settings should be greater than 7% of the largest maximum air flow setpoint value (typically cooling flow maximum, VavSuAirFlMaxC located in the segment AF VavSu.xx).

Ventilation mode, Ventilation setpoint (only available with room air quality sensor activated) and Minimum air volume flow need to be considered and set as a pair per Room Operating Mode (ROpMod).

Pair #1

(Comfort mode)

Comfort configuration (CmfCnf)

  • 1:Off
  • 2:Minimum ventilation
  • 3:Demand-controled ventilation
  • 4:Minimum ventilation & Demand-controlled ventilation

Minimum room air volume flow for comfort (AirFlMinRCmf)

  • When CmfCnf is set to 4:Minimum ventilation & Demand-controlled ventilation and IAQ sensor is configured and valid, damper during Comfort will equal AirFlMinRCmf or the demand-controlled ventilation position, whichever is larger.
  • When used, air flow minimum settings should be at least 7% of the largest maximum flow setpoint (for example, cooling flow maximum).

Setpoint room air quality for comfort


Pair #2

(Pre-Comfort mode)

Pre-Comfort configuration

Enumeration see CmfCnf

Minimum room air volume flow for pre-comfort

Function see CmfCnf

Setpoint room air quality for pre-comfort


Pair #3

(Economy mode)

Economy configuration

Enumeration see CmfCnf

Minimum room air volume flow for economy

Function see CmfCnf

Setpoint room air quality for economy


Pair #4

(Protection mode)

Protection configuration

Enumeration see CmfCnf

Minimum room air volume flow for protection

Function see CmfCnf

Setpoint room air quality for protection


Example of parameters setting 1#:

In this example, assume AirFlNom and VavSuAirFlMaxC have both been set to 1000 m3/h, and the minimum ventilation setpoint object (VavSuAflMinVnt, located in the segment AF VavSu.xx) has been set to zero. Setting VavSuAflMinVnt in the segment AF to zero allows the min vent parameter settings in this AF (VAV ventilation control, VavVntCtl11) to vary per the room operating mode (Comfort, Pre-Comfort, Economy, Protection). See the following table.

Room mode ventilation flow value

Ventilation mode setting


AirFlMinRCmf = 100 m3/h

CmfCnf = Min vent & DCV

In Comfort, ventilation flow will have a low limit of 100 m3/h and may rise with air quality demand (DCV).

AirFlMinRPcf = 80 m3/h

PcfCnf = Min vent

In Pre-Comfort, ventilation flow = 80 m3/h.

AirFlMinREco = 60 m3/h

EcoCnf = Min vent

In Economy, ventilation flow will be zero, because AirFlMinREco was incorrectly set to 60 m3/h which is less than 7% of AirFlNom (AirFlNom was set to 1000 m3/h).

AirFlMinRPrt = 80 m3/h

PrtCnf = Off

In Protection, the mode setting (PrtCnf) has been set to Off. When a ventilation mode setting = Off, ventilation flow for that room mode will be zero regardless of the parameter flow value (in this case, AirFlMinRPrt) or the value of VavSuAflMinVnt.

Example of parameters setting 2#:

In this example, assume AirFlNom and VavSuAirFlMaxC have both been set to 1000 m3/h, and the minimum ventilation setpoint object (VavSuAflMinVnt) located in the segment AF VavSu.xx has been set to 100 m3/h.

Room mode ventilation flow value

Ventilation mode setting


AirFlMinRCmf = 125 m3/h

CmfCnf = Min vent

In Comfort, ventilation flow will be 125 m3/h.

AirFlMinRPcf = 90 m3/h

PcfCnf = Min vent

In Pre-Comfort, ventilation flow = 100 m3/h (not 90) because VavSuAflMinVnt was set to 100, which is larger than 90; (90 and 100 are each >7% AirFlNom, so they are both valid (usable) values; when valid settings conflict, the larger value wins).

AirFlMinREco = 50 m3/h

EcoCnf = Min vent

In Economy, ventilation flow will = 100 m3/h because VavSuAflMinVnt was set to 100.
Note: it is important to understand that if VavSuAflMinVnt was set to zero as in example 1 above, the minimum ventilation flow for Economy would not be 50 m3/h, even though AirFlMinREco has been set to 50. This is because 50 is lower than 7% of the maximum flow setpoint (AirFlNom was set to 1000 m3/h). In this case min vent would be zero.

AirFlMinRPrt = 50 m3/h

PrtCnf = Off

In Protection, the mode setting (PrtCnf) has been set to Off. When a ventilation mode setting = Off, ventilation flow for that room mode will be zero regardless of the parameter flow value (in this case, AirFlMinRPrt) or the value of VavSuAflMinVnt.

Example of use case 1#:

No room air quality sensor is required in the room. A minimum air volume flow is required for Economy mode but not for Pre-comfort mode or protection mode.

Pair #1

(Comfort mode)

Comfort configuration (CmfCnf)

Equals 4:Minimum ventilation & Demand-controlled ventilation (default setting), or 2:Minimum ventilation (the same behavior with 4:Minimum ventilation & Demand-controlled ventilation in this use case).

Minimum room air volume flow for comfort (AirFlMinRCmf)

Required setpoint, but note that air flow minimum settings should be at least 7% of the largest maximum flow setpoint (VavSuAirFlMaxH\VavSuAirFlMaxC\VavSuAflMaxVnt).

Setpoint room air quality for comfort

No need to set as there is no sensor in room

Pair #3

(Economy mode)

Economy configuration

Equals 2: Minimum ventilation.

Minimum room air volume flow for economy

Required setpoint, but note that air flow minimum settings should be at least 7% of the largest maximum flow setpoint (VavSuAirFlMaxH\VavSuAirFlMaxC\VavSuAflMaxVnt).

Setpoint room air quality for economy

No need to set as there is no sensor in room

Example of use case 2#:

If a room air quality sensor is installed in room, air quality needs to be controlled by DXR1, then additional setting “Setpoint room air quality for comfort \ pre-comfort \ economy \ protection” needs to be considered and set.

Note: If room air quality control is activated, the final air volume flow output located in the segment AF VavSu.xx will select the maximum result from cooling\heating\ventilation.