The page Security > Manage users allows an administrator to fully manage user accounts and control access to the device.

User roles

The system has three user roles:

  • Administrator - access to modify all fields and perform all presented tasks
  • Engineer - access to configure network-related parameters, read operational status information, and download logs and diagnostic data
  • Operator - access to read operational status information and download diagnostic data

Create user

The list of users is displayed on the top of Security > User management. To create a new user account, select Create user. In the dialog that opens, enter a username. Usernames must be unique and at least four characters long. An already registered name cannot be used again.

A secure (random) password with the specified number of characters (Min. password length) is generated automatically, which can be replaced with a custom password if desired. The password must conform with the general rules specified in the Connect Gateway Cybersecurity guidelines, → ID: A6V12604901.

Finally, select a role for this user according to role specification. An e-mail with the new user credentials can be sent to a chosen recipient by selecting the mail button before saving the new user account settings with the Save button. The new user account is shown in the list of users, initially marked as New until is has been used for the first time.

At the first login, the new user is prompted to change the initial password. The new password must conform to the specified rules, which are listed below the form.

After the first login and change of password, the user is marked as Active in the list on Security > User management.

A user can change password at any time by expanding the profile menu in the top right corner.

Suspend user

An active user account can be suspended, so that login to it is temporarily blocked while the account still exists. In Security > User management, the administrator can suspend an active user from the drop-down menu on the account row.

A suspended user experiences only that login to the device fails. In this state, the user account is shown as suspended in the list of users. When a suspended user account is reactivated, its state is changed back to active, and the user can login normally using the same credentials as before suspension. The administrator can reactivate the suspended account from the drop-down menu on the account row.

Change passwords

All users can change the password of their own account from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. The administrator can reset passwords of all accounts, which sets a new password - either automatically generated or specified by the administrator.

Change user role

The administrator can change user roles and a new set of access rights from the menu item Change role and selecting a new role from the list.

The role is changed immediately and takes effect the next time the user logs in to the account.

Delete user

A user account can be permanently deleted by the administrator in Security > User management. In the drop-down menu on the account row, the administrator selects Delete, which is followed by a pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

By selecting Delete the second time, the account is irretrievably removed from the system.