User Management
Provides role-based access control. New users can be invited to access the Cloud Service and given appropriate access rights via user groups. Data can be logically grouped into partitions and given access via user groups.
Device Management
Manages Connected Devices compliant to the Cloud Service.
Data Onboarding
Ability to add meaning and structure to the data.
Data Collection
Allows User to collect data that will then be used by the Analytics Studio offering.
Data Setup
Allows User to select data points that should be sent to the cloud. Furthermore, includes capability to model HVAC system in terms of physical data and logical relationships.
Data Hosting and Data Usage
Hosts and processes personal and non-personal data in data centers located in Ireland. For information regarding processing of personal data Customer may refer to the Data Processing Terms.
Ask Building X
Allows the user to ask questions in different languages about Building X technical information, utilizing GenAI.