The Packages tab displays the list of created packages and shared packages from other companies. Only users with the Rules Advanced user role can create, edit, publish, unpublish, and delete packages.

The Packages tab displays the following information about all packages:

  • Name and Description of the package.
  • Number of rules: Displays the number of rules available in the package.
  • Modified: Displays the last modification timestamp for the package.
  • Published: Displays the last published timestamp for the package.
  • Create package: Creates a new package.

With the More button, the following actions can be performed for each package:

  • Edit
  • Manage rules
  • Publish/Release Update
  • Delete
  • Revoke

Details pane

After selecting a package from the table, the details pane opens.

The Details tab displays the following details about the package:

  • Updated and published.
  • Package name and description.
  • Capability
  • Published version
  • Owner, partition, and number of rules.

The Rules tab displays the name of rules included in the package.