The following features are available:
- Polling of Siemens P2 Ethernet field panels
- Supports Apogee P2 read
- Support of Custom Polling
- Support of Commanding
Supported Apogee P2 object types
Currently the Apogee P2 Ethernet Connector supports only the following object types. Support of additional object types can be extended upon request in later releases.
- LDO (Logical Digital Output)
- LDI (Logical Digital Input)
- LAO (Logical Analog Output)
- LAI (Logical Analog Input)
- L2SL (Logical 2 State Latched)
- L2SP (Logical 2 State Pulsed)
- LPACI (Logical Pulse Accumulator Input)
- LFSSL (Logical Fast Slow Stop Latched)
- LFSSP (Logical Fast Slow Stop Pulsed)
- LOOAL (Logical On Off Auto Latched)
- LOOAP (Logical On Off Auto Pulsed)
- LENUM (Logical Enumerated)