You can effortlessly create and print visitor passes just the way you want, designing tailored badges that perfectly meet your needs.
- The Visitor Manager Administrator role is assigned to you.
- In vertical navigation, click Configuration > Visitors.
- Under Settings, select Badges.
- To define the appearance of the visitor pass, click Edit and enter your changes if necessary. You have the following parameters:
- Campus: Select the campus for which the visitor pass is being issued.
- Additional information: Enter any extra details, such as the location of your campus.
- Footer: Enter more information to be displayed at the bottom of the pass, such as privacy policy details or emergency contact numbers.
- Click Save to keep your changes, or Cancel to discard them.
- Your changes are shown in the preview, displaying how the information will appear on the final printout.
- Your changes are logged under Operation > Activities.
- To print the visitor pass, click Print, select your printer, and click Print again.