To investigate the issues of the SiPass integrated Sync Agent, in Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, and then double-click Event Viewer. In Event Viewer, click Windows Logs drop-down menu and then select Application to view the application logs.



If SiPass Operator Name or SiPass Operator Password is incorrect, the SiPass integrated Sync Agent service stops automatically and the Event Viewer displays the message as Security Manager SiPass integrated Sync Agent service stopped due to authentication failure [or] invalid operator credentials from SiPass.

To restart the connection between SiPass integrated Sync Agent and SiPass integrated service, do the following:

  1. Update SiPass integrated Sync Agent with correct SiPass Operator Name and SiPass Operator Password. For more information, see: Establishing connection with SiPass integrated Service.
  2. Go to Start menu.
  3. Click Control Panel, and then click Administrative Tools.
  4. Right-click the Services and click Open.
  5. The Services dialog opens.
  6. From the service console window, search the Security Manager - SiPass integrated Sync Agent service.
  7. Right-click the Security Manager - SiPass integrated Sync Agent service and click Start.
  8. The connection restarts and the Security Manager - SiPass integrated Sync Agent service displays the status as Running.