This section provides step-by-step instructions on working with trend view definitions.

Create a Trend View Definition

  1. In System Browser, select a Trends folder, Offline Trend Log Objects folder, Online Trend Log Objects folder, or Trend View Definitions folder.
  1. Select Add Trend.
  • The Edit mode displays.
  1. Select the Series tab and thereafter select the Chart expander.
  1. Select Add datapoint.
  1. From the drop-down list in the Select Data Point dialog box, select Management View and select Project > Field Networks > [network type] > Hardware > [device].
    Either select a single point or select multiple data points by using multi-select and Select. In order to find objects, use Filter .
    NOTE: You can also select any data point from the drop-down list in the dialog box, irrespective of selection of any of the standard views (for example, Management View or Application View). You can add the same data point multiple times and all the duplicate data points is displayed in the Series tab.
  • The properties is reflected immediately in the chart preview. If you have added any non-trended objects, then the details of those objects are also reflected.
  1. For each trend series property you want to modify, do the following:
  • Select the drop-down arrow that displays below Style, and select the appropriate Color, Width, Style, Marker, and Smoothing options.
  • Select the drop-down list that displays below Y-Axis, and select the appropriate Left or Right options.
    NOTE: If the data point is either Binary or Multistate, the drop-down list is disabled.
  • Select the drop-down arrow that displays below Reference, and select the appropriate data point property. In the text box below, enter a name for the trend series.
    NOTE: The selection of a new data point property results in the creation of a new online trend log object, once the property is saved.
  • Select and select Select Property from the displayed options. From the properties list, select the appropriate data point property. By default, the Present Value property is selected.
    NOTE: The selection of a new data point property results in the creation of a new online trend log object, once the property is saved.
  • Select either Show Properties of Trended Object or Show Properties of Trendlog Object to display the corresponding properties in the contextual pane below the Properties tab.
  • Select , to remove the respective trend series from the trend view definition.
  • The properties are reflected immediately in the chart preview.
    NOTE: If there is no Read or Read/Write access to the Property Groups to which the Trended Property belongs to (for example, Status, Configuration Property Groups), the respective Trended Property (for example, Present Value, High Limit, Low Limit, and so on) will not be displayed. The data points which are out of scope also do not display in the Series tab.
  1. Select the Options tab, and do the following:
  • Enter a name in the Trend Name field.
  • Enter a time range for the Default time period, using the symbol. Select one of the viewing options: minute, hour, day, week, month, year or all from the drop-down list.
  • Select the Chart expander and specify the Max, Min range using the symbol for Left Y – Axis and Right Y – Axis.
    NOTE: The left or right y-axis show scaling in the Trend View, if the respective Auto scaling check box is checked, and accordingly the Max, Min range is disabled. The Left – Y Axis or Right Y - Axis is disabled if the trend series is not set to the either left or right y-axis.
  • The properties are reflected immediately in the chart preview. If you have added any non-trended objects, then the details of those objects are also reflected.
  1. Select Save.
  1. In the Save As dialog-box, perform the following steps:
    a. Enter a name in the Description field, if you want to either modify the name mentioned in the Title field or if it is empty.
    b. Select the main Trend View Definitions folder or any subfolder under it.
    c. Select Save.
    NOTE: In order to find objects, use Filter .
  • A trend view definition is created under the Trend View Definitions folder. The trend view definition saved in the Flex Client is retained in the management station.
  • For each data point that is added, an online trend log object is created in the Online Trend Log Objects folder.


Create a Trend View Definition from Online or Offline Trend Log Objects

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. Select one of the following:
  • An offline trend log object from the Offline Log Objects folder.
  • An online trend log object from the Online Log Objects folder.
  1. Select Edit .
  • The Edit mode displays.
  1. Change the Options properties and the Series properties for each trend series.
    For more information, see Create a Trend View Definition.
  • The properties display in the chart preview.
  1. Select Save.
  1. In the Save As dialog box, do the following:
    a. In the Description field, enter a name.
    b. Select the main Trend View Definitions folder or any subfolder under it.
    c. Select Save.
    NOTE: In order to find objects, use Filter .
  • A trend view definition is created under the Trend View Definitions folder.
  • For each data point that is added, an online trend log object is created in the Online Trend Log Objects folder.


Create a Trend View Definition from Related Items

  1. From the System Browser, select a folder, an online trend log object, an offline trend log object or a data point.
    NOTE: You can also select multiple objects by using multi-select.
  1. Next to the selected object, select and select Send to Secondary Pane.
    NOTE: The displays only when you reduce the zoom percentage of your browser to less than 100%.
  1. Select the Related Items tab and click Add.
  1. Select New Trend in Secondary Pane.
  • The Edit mode displays in the Secondary pane.
  1. Change the Options properties and the Series properties for each trend series.
    For more information, see Create a Trend View Definition.
  1. Select Save.
  1. In the Save As dialog-box, do the following:
    a. In the Description field, enter a name.
    b. Select the main Trend View Definitions folder or any subfolder under it.
    c. Select Save.
    NOTE: In order to find objects, use Filter .
  • A trend view definition is created and displays under the Trend View Definitions folder.
  • For each data point that is added, an online trend log object is created in the Online Trend Log Objects folder.


Add Subcharts to a Trend View Definition

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Trend View Definitions folder, select a trend view definition.
  1. Select Edit .
  • The trend view definition displays in the Edit mode.
  1. Select the Series tab and select the Chart expander.
  1. Click that displays next to Add datapoint.
  1. Select Add Subchart.
  • A new expander with the heading Subchart (X) is added.
  1. Select the expander to be configured.
  1. Configure the Subchart by adding data points, specifying the style options, location of the y-axis, and so on. For more information, see Creating and Managing Trend View Definitions > Edit Series Properties in Trends Step by Step.
    NOTE: The axis properties cannot be modified if your Subchart contains Binary or Multistate points.
  • The Subchart is added below the existing chart.
  1. Select the Options tab and select the expander representing the Subchart to specify details such as properties of X and Y axis. For more information, see Creating and Managing Trend View Definitions > Edit Options Properties in Trends Step by Step.
    NOTE: If your Subchart does not contain datapoints, the preview of the chart does not display in the View mode.


Edit Options Properties

You want to view and edit the options properties of a trend view definition.

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Trend View Definitions folder, select a trend view definition.
  1. Select Edit .
  • The Properties window displays in Edit mode.
  1. Select the Options tab. See Options Properties in Trends Reference.
  • The properties of Trend View display.
  1. In the Trend Name field, enter a new name for the trend view definition.
  1. Modify the default time period (if required).
  1. Select the expander for the sub chart whose properties you want to edit.
  1. Specify the Max, Min range for Left Y – Axis and Right Y – Axis.
    NOTE: The left or right y-axis shows scaling in the Trend View, if the respective Auto scaling check box is checked, and accordingly the Max, Min range is disabled. The Left – Y Axis or Right Y - Axis are disabled if the trend series is not set to either left or right y-axis respectively.
  1. Select Save.
  • The edited properties are saved and display in the Trend View.

NOTE: On switching to any other tab or event when you switch back to the Trend tab, the Options tab displays and the previously saved chart properties are retained.


Edit Series Properties

You want to view and edit the data source properties for each trend series of a trend view definition.

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Trend View Definitions folder, select a trend view definition.
  1. Select Edit .
  • The Properties window displays in Edit mode.
  1. Select the Series tab. See, Series Properties in Trends Reference.
  • The charts associated with the trend view definition display as expanders.
  1. Select the expander corresponding to the sub chart to be edited.
  1. For each trend series property to modify, do the following:
  • Select the drop-down arrow that displays below Style, and select the appropriate Color, Width, Style, Marker, and Smoothing options.
  • Select the drop-down list that displays below Y-Axis, and select the appropriate Left or Right options.
    NOTE: If the data point is either binary or multistate, the drop-down list is disabled.
  • Select , and select either Show Properties Of Trended Object or Show Properties Of Trendlog Object to display the corresponding properties in the contextual pane below the Properties tab. Select the Select Property option to change the property for the data point. By default, the Present Value property is selected. Selection of a new data point property results into the creation of a new online trend log object, once the property is saved. Select Rename to rename the data point.
  • Select , to remove the respective trend series from the trend view definition.
  • Select Add datapoint to add additional data points to the trend view definition.
  • The edited properties are reflected immediately in the chart preview. Trend series for any non-trended points (if added) to the trend view will also display.
    NOTE: If there is no Read or Read/Write access to the Property Groups to which the Trended Property belongs (for example, Status, Configuration Property Groups), the respective Trended Property (for example, Present Value, High Limit, Low Limit, and so on) is not displayed. The data points which are out of scope, will also not display in the Series tab.
  1. Select Save.
  • For each data point that is added, an online trend log object is created in the Online Trend Log Objects folder.
  • The edited properties are saved and display in the Trend View.

NOTE: On switching to any other tab or event when you switch back to the Trend tab, the Options tab displays and the previously saved Series properties are retained.


Manual Upload of Trend Log Data

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. Perform either of the following steps:
  • From the Trend View Definitions folder, select the trend view definition containing offline trend log objects or trend log multiple objects.
  • From the Offline Log Objects folder, select an offline trend log object.
  1. Select that displays next to Zoom mode and select Manual upload from the displayed options
  • A message notifying the initiation of upload of trend data displays.
  • Once the data is available in database, the data reflects in the chart.

You can automatically upload and display trend log data to the chart by selecting either of the following:
An offline trend log object or trend log multiple object
A trend view definition containing an offline trend log object or trend log multiple object.
For other subsystem Trend logs (other than BACnet), user must manually refresh or reload the Trend log to view the uploaded data.

Define the Settings

  1. In System Browser, select a Trends folder, Offline Trend Log Objects folder, Online Trend Log Objects folder, or Trend View Definitions folder.
  1. Select and Settings.
  1. In the Trend Settings dialog box, do the following:
    a. In the Data Accuracy section, move the slider anywhere between Loading fast to High Resolution.
    b. In the Default time period section, enter a time range using the symbol. Select one of the viewing options: minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s) or all from the drop-down list. By default, 1 week is selected.
  1. Select Close.
  • The defined settings are saved and applied to online trend log objects, offline trend log objects and the trend view definitions.

NOTE: In case of a trend view definition, these settings are only applied during its creation and can be overridden.


Delete a Trend View Definition

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Trend View Definitions folder, select a trend view definition.
  1. Select that displays next to Zoom mode and select Delete from the options displayed.
    NOTE: By default, the Delete option for an offline trend log object is disabled.
  • The trend view definition is permanently deleted from the Trend View Definitions folder.

NOTE: The online trend log objects in the trend view definition are not deleted. No recorded data is lost.


Delete an Online Trend Log Object

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Online Trend Log Objects folder, select an online trend log object.
  1. Select that displays next to Zoom mode and select Delete from the options displayed.
    NOTE: By default, the Delete option for an offline trend log object is disabled.
  • An online trend log object is permanently deleted from the Online Trend Log Objects folder.


Display Quality Indication Area

  1. Select an online trend log object, an offline trend log object or a trend view definition.
  1. Select that displays next to Edit and select Show data status.
  • The quality indication area is displayed and is highlighted with the red color. This area indicates a quality issue (a problem with the data point).


Remove Subcharts from a Trend View Definition

  1. In System Browser, select Trends.
  1. From the Trend View Definitions folder, select the trend view definition with the Subchart that you want to remove.
  1. Select Edit .
  1. Select the Series tab.
  • The list of Subcharts present in the trend view definition displays as expanders.
  1. Select the expander corresponding to the Subchart to be removed and select that displays next to Add datapoint.
  1. Select Remove Subchart.
  • The Subchart is removed and no longer displays in the View mode. Information related to the axis properties and data sources for the Subchart is also removed.