Management Station Exceptions
You can define exceptions from the Calendar or List View.
1 | Schedule | Navigates to the schedule entries workspace. |
2 | List View | Displays the schedule exception entries in the List View. |
3 | Add | Displays the list of exceptions that you can add to the schedule. You can add the following types of exceptions: |
4 | Range | Allows you to convert an exception entry of type Date to DateRange. |
5 | Copy | Allows you to copy schedule exception entries to other days of the week. |
6 | Exception Entry | Displays the details of the schedule exception entry. |
7 | Delete Exception Entry | Allows you to delete a schedule exception entry. |
8 | End of exception | Displays the end of exception. If End of exception option is selected for a schedule exception entry, then the schedule falls back to the weekly schedule defined for that period. |
1 | Exception Entry | Displays the details of the schedule exception entry. |
2 | Priority | Allows you to change the priority of the exception entry. By default, the priority is set to 16. |
3 | Delete | Allows you to delete a schedule exception entry. |
4 | Profile | Displays the selected exception entry. |
Management Station Scheduler Application Rights
Management Station Scheduler application rights define permissions for viewing and modifying data related to Management Station schedules and calendars.
Flex Schedules Rights | Application Rights | |
Action | Show | Config. |
| ✔ | ✘ |
| ✔ | ✔ |
| ✘ | ✘ |
After you have logged into Flex Client, if your Configure rights are removed by another user, then during a Save or Save As operation a Permission denied
message displays. If only your Show rights are removed, then the Save or Save As operation is still successful.
Management Station Schedules
Schedules Workspace – View Mode
Schedules Workspace – Edit Mode
You can create weekly schedules for your management stations, and a management station can run multiple calendars or schedules at the same time. Management station schedules and calendars run only if the management station is running.
Management station schedules make use of scenes that are objects which allow you to create multiple operating modes for a schedule. You can add and associate datapoints with the scenes and specify the values for the datapoints for different scene modes such that when the schedule is in that particular mode, the datapoint will reflect that value. For example, consider that you have created 3 scenes, Office Opening Time, Lunch Time, and Office Closing Time and you want to have different temperatures in each of the 3 scene modes. In this case, you can associate 3 analog output points to each of the scenes with values that should be present at each of the 3 scene modes.
Additionally, management station schedules can process both BACnet and non-BACnet object types (BACnet schedules process only BACnet object types).
You can also create exceptions to schedules. When a management station exception is ON, it overrides the weekly schedule.
When the exception is OFF, control returns to the weekly schedule.
Schedules Workspace – View Mode
1 | System Browser | Displays the list of objects in the selected view. |
2 | Edit | Navigates to the Edit mode that allows you to edit schedule entries and add exceptions. |
3 | Schedule Overview | Displays information of the schedule entry and exception entry, of the selected schedule. |
Schedules Workspace – Edit Mode
1 | Overview | Navigates to the schedule workspace. On clicking Overview, you can navigate back to the Overview page where you can only view the schedule or exception entries but cannot edit them. |
2 | Exceptions | Displays the Calendar View and List View from where you can add exceptions to the schedule. |
3 | Options | Displays the Options dialog box from where you can specify the default scene and the effective period for the schedule. |
4 | Copy | Enables copying of schedule entries to other days of the week. |
1 | Schedule default | Allows you to specify the default scene for the schedule. |
2 | Effective period | Allows you to specify the start and end time period for a schedule. |
Scene Editor
Configure data point
Allows you to configure scenes for a schedule. Using Scenes, you can create multiple operating modes for a schedule. You can add and associate datapoints with the scenes and specify the values for the datapoints for different scene modes such that when the schedule is in that particular mode at the specified time, the datapoint will reflect that value.
1 | Add | Allows you to add new scenes and data points to the scenes. |
2 | Provides options to save schedules, save schedules with a new name, discard changes, and delete the schedule. |
3 | Name | Displays the name of the scene. You can also modify the name. |
4 | Value | Displays the value of the data point associated with the scene and allows you to change its value. |
5 | Provides the following options: |
6 | Provides options to delete scenes. |
7 | Provides options to save schedules, save schedules with a new name, discard changes, and delete the schedule. |
Configure data point
1 | Scene [n] | Displays the property value of the data point for a particular scene, for example, Scene 1 |
2 | Select Property | Allows you to select a different property of the data point. By default, when you add a data point to a schedule, the Present Value property is set for the point. |
3 | Provides the following options: |
4 | Provides options to disable the data point for the scene and set advanced commands for the associated property. |
Management Station Calendars
You can create management station calendars and add entries to it in the Calendar View and the List View.
1 | Add | Allows you to add calendar entries of the following types: Date: Adds a calendar entry for a single day. |
2 | Save | Saves the management station calendar |
3 | Displays the following options: Save As: Saves the management station calendar with a new name. |
1 | Delete | Deletes the calendar entry. |