This section provides an overview of event handling in the Flex Client application.
How Operators are Alerted to Events
The Flex Client application displays all the detected alarms and events in Event List, with each one on a separate row. This is your main starting point for dealing with events. In addition:
- The Summary bar below the horizontal navigation bar provides an overview of the events in the system grouped by category. A blinking indicator signals the presence of unprocessed events.
- An audible alert is sounded by the Flex Client when there are unprocessed events.
Methods of Handling an Event
- Fast treatment. You can view events in Event List. You can check any details, and send event-handling commands from the Event Details tab or directly from Event List. This is the most straightforward method of handling an event. For instructions, see Handling Events from Event List.
- Investigative treatment. You can investigate the source of the event, check its details, and send event-handling commands from the Event Details tab. For instructions, see Handling an Event with Investigative Treatment.
- You can also:
- Handle recurring events that occur when the same event source repeatedly generates the same condition. For instructions, see Handling Recurrences of an Event.
- Handle alarm suppression. For instructions, see Enabling and Disabling Alarm Suppression.
Visibility of Events and Related Commands in the Flex Client Application
- Your user visibility rights affect the specific events that the Summary bar and Event List display. If an event is generated by a point not visible to you in System Browser, it does not display on your Flex Client application.
- You cannot handle events generated by field points for which you do not have proper user privileges. Even though such events are visible to you, the related commands will not be available in Event List.
- To execute the event-handling commands, (acknowledge, reset, or silence/unsilence), you must have proper user privileges. Furthermore, your ability to acknowledge, reset and/or silence/unsilence an individual field point/panel depends on configuration.
Security Rights on Event Category Commands
The specific commands available to you for handling events that belong to different categories depend on the rights at user-group level. This means that, for events that belong to the different event categories, Event List only displays the commands that you are allowed to send. For a specific event category, if you do not have rights to send one or more commands, these commands do not display in Event List for your Flex Client application.
Activity Log and Event Log
During event treatment, entries are recorded in the History Database for the following:
- Operator’s activities relating to event handling (for example, initiating/suspending event handling, acknowledging/resetting an event, and so on). This log data is available when you generate an Activity Log report from an installed client.
- Evolution of the events in the system (for example, a new event occurs in the system, an event is acknowledged/reset and so on). This log data is available when you generate an Event Log report from an installed client.